Blues legend Big George Brock knighted him “The Rattlesnake” when he brought the 16 year-old in as his new lead guitarist.
Now 27 and a Webster University jazz theory grad, Matthew Lesch might be the hardest working guy on the STL musical circuit.
Whether he’s touring cross country and overseas with the likes of Marquise Knox or Dylan Triplett, leading his own outfit with the famed Tecora & Riley Morgan rhythm section, or working some funky jazz with the Soul City Organ Trio, Matt Lesch is a musical Rubik’s Cube with all sides shining equally
“Blues Cut Like Glass” takes a deep dive into that eternal “blues” sea. Featuring 12 original songs, the young guitar prodigy is at his very finest and his all-star lineup is a true A-list of musicians
“Feel So Good” starts everything off on a shuffling rocker courtesy of Chuck “Popcorn” Louden’s drums, Taylor Streiff’s organ and Matt’s tight up swinging guitar. “He’s A Bluesman” on the other hand, grinds forward with some deep Delta flavor. Reminiscing on his mentor Big George, Tecora & Riley Morgan Jr, provide that classic Houserocker rhythm like they did for years while Jonny “Diamond” Erblich lays down some greasy harp. With some fired-up guitar and Streiff’s piano, Matt remembers the man who loved all the women, knocked out heavy weight champ Sonny Liston and wrestled a bear. All true stories.
“Big Legged Woman” and “I’m So Tired” unleashes the horn section. With Dan Smith on trumpet, Ben Schaeffer tenor sax and Ian Buschmann on baritone sax, their arrangements truly shine. Everyone is on all cylinders on “Big Legged” with Popcorn, Streiff and the legendary Gus Thornton on bass (god rest his soul). Gus graces the CD on 5 tracks, Popcorn on 9 and Streiff on 5. Meanwhile, “I’m So Tired” is a funky treat with “The Rattlesnake’s” sweet guitar lines matched against Tecora Morgan’s punchy bass and her brother Riley Jr’s rock solid percussion
Song number five “She’s My Everything” barrels down the tracks like a locomotive. With Popcorn and Gus locked in on rhythm, Streiff’s piano shines bright until Matt’s guitar goes on liftoff. You almost expect to hear a whistle blow and a railroad crossing lights to keep you from dancing into danger
As great as the first five songs are, the CD really flows nicely through the final seven.
“Sittin At The Station” is a somber yet atmospheric number with a nod to Carlos Santana in style and tone. Laid out in minor key, it segues gracefully into “Going Through The World All Alone”. With a measured intro, the feel really picks up with Luke Sailor’s great organ work and then goes on fire with Matt’s Hendrixian style guitar and fade
The title track “Blues Cut Like Glass” might be the best song on the CD. A mercy plea in sound, the horns are back in fine form. Simplistic in its elegance, Sailor’s piano is gorgeous, Matt’s voice is at its very best and the guitar send off shines
The great Rich McDonough joins in on rhythm guitar on “Keep Your Promise”. Popcorn’s drums sink in while Matt’s guitar flies again as he exonerates his lady to get it together and be the loyal partner she said she be.
“Let Me Cook For Ya” might be an instrumental for the ages. Living up to the title, Matt’s fingerpicking is on fire, but the late Gus Thornton’s bass runs and Popcorn’s nasty drum work set the kitchen on fire. This is one of those great short gems
The trio is back with Taylor Streiff on piano for “Still Got My Blues”. A great blues in fine form, Streiff’s piano reminds me of the great Omar Shariff on this cut.
Finally — and a wonderful surprise — the CD ends with another tight yet free and loose instrumental called “Jammin’ At Paul’s”. Titled after Paul Niehaus’ studio and Blue Lotus label upon which this CD was recorded and released, Paul actually plays drums. But with Gus Thornton on bass, another true young and upcoming blues prodigy Sean “Mack” McDonald out of Georgia trades some tasty guitar licks with “The Rattlesnake”. He also plays organ. A fantastic way to close shop. Keep your ears open for Mack McDonald.
This truly is primo blues. Living in St Louis, I’ve watched Matt “The Rattlesnake” Lesch grow and grow as a musician. “Blues Cut Like Glass” is an amazing release, and to be quite frank, I’ll be absolutely stunned if this doesn’t break his name nationally and cross seas.
This is about as cream of the crop as you might get. Check it out and enjoy ❤️!