A road is a road, but sometimes it’s more. Sometimes a road sings. The Blues Highway presentation takes you along famed Hwy. 61 on a road trip through time….from the beginnings of this distinctive musical style, through the resurgence of the 50’s, the 60’s British Invasion, all the way to today’s music scene.
Muddy Waters rode the Blues Highway. So did John Lee Hooker, Bessie Smith, and B.B. King. Elvis knew it, too—his rock-and-roll is as rooted in the delta as a cypress tree.
It’s just as Muddy Waters sang – “The Blues had a baby, and called it Rock and Roll”.
Immerse yourself in the culture by following in the footsteps of the Blues greats, and discover what inspired them.
Ready to hit the road?
Blues in the Schools (BITS) is one of our favorite presentations, as it holds our record attendance — 1,800 kids on one day!
Blues education crosses the disciplines of history, geography, social studies, and of course, music. Blues in the Schools brings the blues genre into the classroom where students are exposed to these traditional subjects, while breaking down racial barriers and opening dialogue about cultural diversity.
Music builds imagination and intellectual curiosity, fosters creative thinking, better SAT scores, and helps kids stay engaged in school.
Who knows…beyond creating the next generation of Blues music fans & helping to keep the Blues alive, we may even spark the next Etta James or B.B. King!