Republished courtesy of Blues Blast magazine
Vizztone Label Group
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10 songs time – 39:42
This is the third studio album from singer-songwriter Amanda Fish, the older sister of Samantha Fish. Although the liner notes are a bit sketchy, it seems she plays the occasional bass, guitar and piano. She wrote everything herself and enlists a variety of players. Her vocals are serviceable and energetic at times. Her lyrics tend to be topical and creative.
Her hefty voice belts out “Mockingbird” to the rhythm and slide guitar of Terry Midkiff. It speaks of politics and corruption, an apt subject for today’s world. The subject is similar in “Sell The Record”, but this time the skullduggery in the music business. Billy Evanochoko blazes on the guitar. Amanda is the sole guitarist on the gritty “The Hard Way”, a song about life’s tribulations.
Jeremiah Johnson does lead guitar duty on the intense “Unbreakable”. Amanda’s forceful voice matches the heavy riff. Some of the best lyrics can be found in the slow and deliberate “The Great Reset”. Her vocal reaches an intensity level that foreshadows what is to come. Honkytonk country music raises its’ head in the desperation of “Broke Ass Blues”.
Richard Rosenblatt’s harmonica rides rampant over the heavy groove and raging vocal of “Work”. Dylan Farrell’s guitar weaves in and out like the wind. That guitar tone is irresistible as it builds. The guitar reinforces the lyric on “The World We Leave Behind”. It is just Amanda on vocals and spare piano on the poignant “Mother”. It appears to be about an abortion. It sends chills as her pitch turns to rage. If this song doesn’t touch you, seek help. Slide guitar intertwines with Dylan Farrell’s soaring soloing on the title track “Kingdom”. Needless to say Amanda’s vocals keep pace.
Nothing here that you could call blues here, although elements of it come and go. If you need a label, call it singer-songwriter Americana or roots music. Mama Moo’s backing vocals throughout add depth. It evokes thought in its’ words and the energy of the accompanying music. The musicians make it all congeal to support Amanda’s vision. A nice change of pace.