7 music marketing strategies

Ever wondered why some super talented musicians don’t get the fanbase and recognition they ‘deserve’, while other not as talented musicians get a lot more exposure and seen in all the right places? Well while there could be a number of different reasons for this, some of the most common are that successful person’s goals, drive & dedication, and ability to handle the business side of the music industry. More specifically, they probably know how to market themselves well.

Music marketing is that key piece to the puzzle many musicians simply never put into effect – Tweet This.

It’s because of this that many don’t get where they could have otherwise been, and why they struggle to make sales, get gigs, and generally move their music career forward in any meaningful way.

The good news however, is if you’re willing to put in the work, it’s possible to learn how to market your music.

The team over at Music Thinktank share their 7 strategies for music marketing success right here

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